Wednesday 29 May 2013

Full House Season 1, Episode 4: The Return of Grandma

Calling for a hobby. Any hobby will do!

It's Saturday morning. Joey, DJ, and Stephanie are in their pajamas watching cartoons and eating cereal out of pots. Joey does a bunch of impressions because the writers needed to pad the episode a bit and got desperate. I can't help but notice that Joey's alcove has a mannequin in it, and the mannequin is always dressed in the same outfit that Joey is wearing. Does Joey really get two sets of everything when he shops? Joey, cut your clothing budget in half and spring for a room with a door.

Danny shows up with a laundry basket and is unimpressed with the lazy slobs on the couch and the piles of clothes everywhere. He drags Joey into the kitchen for a lecture and sees that it's an absolute mess. Joey didn't do the dishes even though it's his week to do them. Well, he might have gotten around to it but his mannequin needed changing. Jesse comes in after neglecting his chores and pulling an all-nighter; he introduces Bubba, a turtle that saved his life. DJ and Stephanie discover Bubba and are allowed to keep him as a pet. Stephanie then reveals that she knows Danny's mother is coming to visit today but didn't tell anyone. And Joey also knows and didn't mention it like a responsible adult would. Grandma's coming because she doesn't think Danny can take care of things at home. Danny wants to prove to his mom that he can run the household, so everyone decides to get to work cleaning the place up.

Everyone has gotten dressed and is leaving to go shopping for cleaning supplies. Joey and his mannequin have changed into a hideous shirt. Later, after putting away their new purchases, everyone decides to sit and watch TV for a bit before cleaning...but then Grandma shows up earlier than expected. Grandma almost barfs at the mess and immediately sends the girls upstairs to clean their rooms. Jesse and Joey assume Grandma will get right to work cleaning up the house for them, and leave to take in a leisurely afternoon movie.

When they get back, Danny tells the guys that Grandma wants them to clean up their own mess. Imagine! Turns out Danny's mom has called Jesse's and Joey's moms and they rushed right over to glare at their sons. Joey and his mom do a comedy bit and make everyone uncomfortable. The moms then decide to set up a schedule and trade off days so one of them can be in the house to cook and clean all week, every week. Danny's mom even says she can fly in on weekends. They're lining up around the block to clean up after three grown men? The guys get scared and propose that the moms go shopping for a couple of hours; if the place is not clean when they get back, the moms can all move in. Who wins in that scenario?

Later, the guys check in on DJ's and Stephanie's room and it's still a mess. The girls admit they lost Bubba and feel terrible. Everyone spends their two hours looking for the turtle instead of cleaning. The moms come back and are still disgusted with the mess. Danny tells them to be quiet for one goddamn minute while the men have a family moment with the girls. The guys comfort DJ and Stephanie...then everybody hugs, because this is Full House we're watching. The moms are touched and are even more excited to move in now. (Really, moms?!) Danny asks for another shot at the bet. He sends the moms to the zoo with the girls for a few hours, saying the house will be clean once they get back. Ok, but who's gonna pay for the zoo entry fees?

Next, the house is clean so we have some time for singing and dancing! The guys rock out with their feather duster, rag, and dustbuster out to "I feel good" by James Brown.

I don't feel so good after watching Joey do that.

The moms come back and are super impressed with the sparkling home until a cleaning lady comes in and asks to be paid in cash. Joey tries to pass her off as his fiancée. Right, Joey. Danny admits they got help, but vows that things at home will go smoother. The moms make pouty faces at the prospect of not moving in. Grandma says the guys might be a little sloppy, but she knows the girls are well-loved.

Bubba comes in on a skateboard! Does he do his own stunts? The episode ends as everybody hugs. Bubba just hangs out on the skateboard he probably can't climb off of.


Award for legitimately funny line goes to: I thought I had one contender but I decided to wait until something makes me laugh out loud. Hasn't happened yet.

Line that generated the biggest eyeroll: "I love this amphibian" because it's repeated so many times.

First and last appearance of: Bubba. He rolled right into sitcom heaven with Tiger from The Brady Bunch and the little sister from Family Matters.

I am baffled by: No one also referring to Jesse's (and Danny's late wife's) mom as "Grandma."

Episode rating: 1/2 out of 5 two-for-one loud shirts.

Photo source:;

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