Saturday 25 May 2013

Full House Season 1, Episode 1: Our Very First Show

This made total sense.

Danny, DJ, and Stephanie are saying goodbye to Danny’s mother, who’s been taking care of the family since the girls’ mom died three months ago. The girls are sad to see her go and put on their pouty faces. Danny tries to cheer them up by telling them their Uncle Jesse and his best friend Joey are moving in, meaning DJ and Stephanie now have to share a room.

Uncle Jesse and his hair arrive. Jesse bounds across the room and puts his foot on the couch! With his boot on! And immediately starts telling a racy story about a showgirl he met last night. Joey arrives carrying a six-foot pile of clothing in his arms. Did he take the streetcar like that? He’s moving into the alcove at the back of the livingroom. You’d think Joey could get a real bedroom. I don’t understand why the baby can’t sleep in the alcove, but maybe that explains why I’m not a parent. Jesse moves into Stephanie’s old room. It has pink bunnies on the wall, but at least it has a door.

DJ draws a line down the girls’ room, boxing Stephanie into the corner where she can’t reach the door. In an attempt to get over the line, Stephanie climbs up the drapes and probably some stagehand hiding behind them has to slide her across the window. Ah, Hollywood magic. DJ complains to Danny and Joey about the new sleeping arrangements. Danny tells her everything will be fine and dashes off to work at the station, leaving Joey and Jesse in charge of the girls.

Joey and Jesse visit baby Michelle who is crying in her spacious room. Joey does some comedy bits which only make Michelle cry louder. The guys figure out Michelle needs her diaper changed. To do so, they carry her down to the kitchen, because...well, I don’t know why. Wacky hijinks ensue and Michelle ends up wrapped in paper towel and cinched into a laundry bag. Stephanie, who has been quietly observing the guys’ laugh-a-minute antics, shows them a jumbo deluxe bag of diapers that was right in front of their faces the whole time. 

Danny comes home to a trashed house and finds Joey and Jesse collapsed on the couch. The showgirl from Jesse’s racy story knocks at the front door and asks if she can stay the night. Stephanie shows up to ruin Jesse’s good time, revealing that DJ moved out. The guys go upstairs and the girls’ room is totally bare. How the hell did Jesse and Joey miss that? Next time Danny’s looking for reliable babysitters, I’m sure there’s plenty of room for the girls in the chimp exhibit at the San Francisco zoo. DJ has moved into the garage and it looks way cozier in there than in Joey’s alcove. Danny finds out he has no authority over DJ and can’t make her move back into her room. Joey embarrasses himself by doing more comedy, which could only make DJ move her stuff out to the driveway to get away from him. When Danny and Joey leave to take care of Michelle, Jesse offers DJ a bribe to move back in.

Jesse goes back upstairs and hears that the showgirl with the great personality left because Danny told her it would be more appropriate if she slept on the couch. Well, I wouldn’t want to sleep in the same room as Joey either. Jesse asks DJ for his money back, causing her to return to the garage. Danny chases DJ and asks her to try sharing a room with Stephanie. Danny admits he’s not as good as their mother with stuff like this, and asks DJ how mom would have handled it. DJ says mom would have caught her before she moved out. The string orchestra lays it on thick as DJ complains about how everything is changing. Bob Saget actually gets some legit teary eyes going as he comforts DJ, telling her they’re still a family and need to stick together. DJ decides to move back in and everybody hugs. 

In the livingroom, Joey serenades Michelle with The Flintstones theme song. Instead of sending him to his alcove, everyone joins in and even does a little fancy footwork. The show closes on the family singing to Michelle and giggling at how stinking adorable they all are. 


Award for a legitimately funny line goes to: No strong contenders.

Joke that generated the biggest eyeroll: When Stephanie climbs the drapes. Danny: “Stephanie, what are you doing?” Stephanie: “Just hanging around.”

First appearance of: “I’m a lean, mean hugging machine.”

Episode rating: Pilots are usually a little shaky. 1 out of 5 Uncle Jesse mullets

Photo source: Ogvideo

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